Developing a Therapeutic Treatment Programme for Traumatised Children and Young People: A Needs Led Assessment Model

  • ISBN 9781032657561
  • Author: Bradley, Christine
  • Publ Date: 2024-11-26
  • Edition: 1
  • Binding: Paperback / softback

Sale: $50.87
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This manual sets out an accessible model for assessing the emotional needs of traumatised children and young adults and using the outcomes of the assessment to develop individualised therapeutic programmes to support their needs and emotional development.

Evolved from Christine Bradley's over 40 years of working with children and young people with complex histories, the model and the case studies presented are firmly rooted in a psychotherapeutic approach and her early training of working with pioneers in the field. It presents a needs led assessment and treatment tool that offers insight and an understanding of the complex histories and behaviours of individual children and young people based on the impact that trauma has on the inner world of the child. The treatment programme is presented in a clearly written and highly accessible step-by-step approach that is supplemented by exemplar case studies and moving anecdotes.

This manual will be of use to any professional working with traumatised children and young people including therapists, social workers, foster carers, and teachers. It will allow individuals who otherwise would not feel they possess the confidence, knowledge, training, or experience to conduct a high quality effective individualised needs led assessment and subsequent treatment programme.
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