Your A to Z of Research Methods and Statistics in Psychology Made Simple

  • ISBN 9780198812944
  • Author: KINGSLEY
  • Publ Date: 2020-09-15
  • Edition:
  • Binding: Paperback / softback

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A quick reference for research methods and statistics terminology, created to support psychology students and aid their revisionA friendly and accessible, one-of-a-kind guide to psychological research methods, Your A to Z of Research Methods and Statistics in Psychology covers over 500 key terms and explores the concepts students need to navigate quantitative and qualitative methods in psychology with ease. From a priori comparisons to z scores, it forms the perfect companion to core research methods and statistics textbook, and is an indispensable revision guide.Terms are clearly and engagingly defined, and the authors use a selection of helpful student tips, research examples, and eye-catching figures to enrich the text. Students can also refer to a comprehensive decision chart to choose the most appropriate statistical test for their analysis, and consult a range of essential tables at the back of the text.KEY FEATURESA friendly and accessible, one-of-a-kind A to Z guide to research methods and statistics in psychologyCovers all the key terms and concepts in psychology that students need for a solid grounding in quantitative and qualitative methodsPresents a selection of helpful student tips, research examples, and eye-catching figuresIncludes a comprehensive decision chart to help students choose the right statistical test for their analysisConcludes with a range of essential tables for reference.This title is available as an eBook. Please contact your Learning Resource Consultant for more information.
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