The Oxford Handbook of Work and Aging

  • ISBN 9780195385052
  • Author: HEDGE
  • Publ Date: 2012-04-01
  • Edition:
  • Binding: Hardback

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The area of work and aging is complex and multi-faceted. Its foundation is formed by a wide array of disciplines that both contribute to the complexity of its understanding, and offer fertile promise for research, development, and application in the years ahead. With an ever-growing population of older workers, many of whom are suggesting they will likely continue to work past traditional retirement age, it becomes all the more important that we increase our efforts
to develop a more thorough understanding of older workers, the nature of their interactions with work and the organizations for which they work, and the process of transitioning to retirement.
Clearly, there are huge societal and global challenges that will both inform and influence research and application at the individual and organizational levels.The Oxford Handbook of Work and Aging examines the aging workforce from an individual worker, organization, and societal perspective, and offers both an integration of current cross-disciplinary knowledge, and a roadmap for where research and application should be focused in the future to address issues of
an aging workforce. The volume is divided into six core sections: demography, theoretical and methodological issues, the older worker, organizational strategies for an older workforce, individual and
organizational perspectives on work and retirement, and societal perspectives with an aging workforce. Bringing together seasoned authors from diverse academic and professional backgrounds, new approaches to recruiting, workplace flexibility, and the right mix of benefits and incentives are presented as a way of engaging an older workforce.
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