The Oxford Handbook of Justice in the Workplace

  • ISBN 9780199981410
  • Author: CROPANZANO
  • Publ Date: 2015-05-10
  • Edition:
  • Binding: Hardback

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Justice is everyone's concern. It plays a critical role in organizational success and promotes the quality of employees' working lives. For these reasons, understanding the nature of justice has become a prominent goal among scholars of organizational behavior. As research in organizational justice has proliferated, a need has emerged for scholars to integrate literature across disciplines. Offering the most thorough discussion of organizational justice currently
available, The Oxford Handbook of Justice in the Workplace provides a comprehensive review of empirical and conceptual research addressing this vital topic. Reflecting this dynamic
and expanding area of research, chapters provide cutting-edge reviews of selection, performance management, conflict resolution, diversity management, organizational climate, and other topics integral for promoting organizational success. Additionally, the book explores major conceptual issues such as interpersonal interaction, emotion, the structure of justice, the motivation for fairness, and cross-cultural considerations in fairness perceptions. The reader will find thorough discussions of
legal issues, philosophical concerns, and human decision-making, all of which make this the standard reference book for both established scholars and emerging researchers.
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