The Lost Self

  • ISBN 9780195173413
  • Author: FEINBERG
  • Publ Date: 2005-08-01
  • Edition:
  • Binding: Hardback

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The Lost Self: Pathologies of the Brain and Identity is an in-depth exploration of one of the most mysterious and controversial topics in neuroscience, neurology, psychiatry and psychology - namely, the search for the biological basis of the self. The book is a guide to understanding how the brain creates who we are, and what happens when things go wrong. For the first time in a single volume, some of the foremost experts in the fields of philosophy, cognitive neuroscience, neurology, and psychology join together to explore the neurobiology of the self. They first lay the foundation for an understanding of the topic. Then they provide fascinating and detailed accounts of how the self is transformed in patients with brain lesions, autism, and demetia, as well as drug induced states, during meditation and while dreaming. Their analysis of these disorders and states is used as a springboard toward a deeper understanding of how a brain creates a self. This fascinating volume will be invaluable to neuroscientists, psychologists, psychiatrists, neurologists, and philosophers of mind, and to their students and trainees.
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