Social Behavior as Resource Exchange Explorations into the Societal Structures o

  • ISBN 9780190066994
  • Author: T?RNBLOM
  • Publ Date: 2023-11-18
  • Edition:
  • Binding: Hardback

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This book takes the reader on an exciting journey presenting the development of resource theory of social exchange originated from Uriel G. Foa and Edna B. Foa. This groundbreaking theory has inspired and generated a tremendous amount of basic and applied research in various disciplines of psychology, sociology, management, economics, marketing, and political science. This book, edited by Kjell Toernblom and Ali Kazemi, two prominent and leading scholars in this
field, complements and deepens the Foas' pioneering work from 1974. Within these covers the reader will find an abbreviated version of the Foas' out-of-print original, which is increasingly referred to by
current researchers, alongside new chapters on current issues, developments, and applications written by eleven scholars. The book has a simple and clear-cut message: resource theory is not an exercise in academic hair-splitting but has far-reaching societal implications in that it can provide interesting solutions to a wide range of social issues.
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