Sleep and Development

  • ISBN 9780195395754
  • Author: EL-SHEIKH
  • Publ Date: 2011-02-15
  • Edition:
  • Binding: Hardback

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Sleep problems of American children have become a matter of national concern, with recent estimates indicating that 13% to 27% of children have sleep problems as reported by their parents. Considering the profound impact that disrupted sleep can have on family functioning and processes, it is critical that researchers and clinicians understand how to identify sources and contexts related to sleep disruptions and their consequences.Sleep
and Development: Familial and Socio-Cultural Considerations is the first volume to integrate knowledge and approaches from numerous disciplines to focus on the sleep and development of children across
adjustment and cognitive domains. Addressing the sleep patterns of children as well as those of other family members, sleep specialists from pediatrics, human development, family studies, and developmental and clinical psychology examine linkages between sleep and family processes, cultural attitudes towards sleep, and normative sleep disturbances in children, such as resistance to bedtime, chronic deprivation, and inconsistent sleep schedules. Individual chapters offer discussion on topics
such as sleep and attachment, the effects of trauma on children's sleep, the cultural ecology of sleep, clinical assessment of sleep, and more. Highlighting research findings obtained within the last ten
years, Sleep and Development synthesizes literature from disparate areas of inquiry in an effort to frame future investigations that will lead to a deeper and better integrated understanding of sleep and development. This comprehensive volume is a fundamental text for students, researchers, psychologists, and physicians interested in the study of sleep and sleep problems.
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