Psychological Perspectives on Understanding and Addressing Violence

  • ISBN 9780197649510
  • Publ Date: 2023-02-04
  • Edition:
  • Binding: Paperback / softback

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Psychological Perspectives on Understanding and Addressing Violence Against Children argues that in order to achieve comprehensive responses to violence against children (VAC), scholars and practitioners must develop a robust understanding of how direct, structural, and cultural forms of violence interact across social systems. This understanding of VAC motivates a multi-sectoral response that seeks to promote intergenerational health and well-being through
addressing violence in all its forms.This volume is organized into three interconnected sections that explore violence across socioecological domains: violence against children in social
macrosystems, violence against children in social microsystems, and ways to address VAC in practice and policy. With chapters highlighting diverse methodological approaches, context-specific case studies, and approaches to redress violence through practice and policy, this volume is designed to be a resource for researchers, practitioners, and policymakers working to prevent VAC.
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