Preparing for Weight Loss Surgery

  • ISBN 9780195189407
  • Author: APPLE
  • Publ Date: 2006-08-01
  • Edition:
  • Binding: Paperback

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Weight loss surgery is becoming more and more popular as a long-term solution for people to regain control of their bodies and health. Once you make the decision to undergo surgery, it is up to you to ensure the best possible outcome. This will entail radical changes in both your lifestyle and eating habits. To reap the maximum benefits of your weight loss surgery, you must learn new methods for dealing with unhealthy attitudes about food. When used in conjunction with therapy, this workbook provides practical tools that have been scientifically tested and shown to help people successfully prepare for, and overcome the post-operative challenges of creating new and healthy eating lifestyle habits. This treatment program does more than teach you how to guarantee yourself a successful recovery after surgery; it teaches you the skills to manage your health and weight for the rest of your life. This workbook includes user-friendly devices to help you learn these new skills, including food records and checklists, body image journals, weight graphs, problem-solving exercises, and interactive homework assignments.
All forms and worksheets can be photocopied from the book or downloaded from the Treatments That Work website. Written by professionals in the area of eating disorders and obesity, this book will help you take control of your health as you begin your new life after weight loss surgery.
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