• ISBN 9781337098137
  • Publ Date: 2017-01-06
  • Edition: 9
  • Binding: Paperback / softback

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PSYCHOLOGICAL TESTING: PRINCIPLES, APPLICATIONS, AND ISSUES, Ninth Edition explains the fundamentals of psychological testing, their important applications, and the controversies that emerge from those applications in clinical, education, industrial, and legal settings. Kaplan and Saccuzzo's engaging and thorough text demonstrates how psychological tests are constructed and used, both in a professional setting and in everyday lives. Part I focuses on the core concepts that affect the evaluation of all tests. Part II discusses the major types of psychological tests, while Part III looks at present-day issues affecting testing such as stereotype threat, bias, laws, and ethics. A multitude of test profiles and sample items illustrate how psychological testing is used and reported. Real-life case studies demonstrate the uses and misuses of psychological testing, while 'Technical Example' boxes help you understand complex statistical concepts.
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