On Behalf of Others

  • ISBN 9780195385557
  • Publ Date: 2009-10-29
  • Edition:
  • Binding: Hardback

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This book offers both a theoretical and empirical discussion of the psychology of ethics and care in a global world. Theoretically, the book seeks to problematize the concept of globalization, ethics and care by discussing how global-local linkages may be constructed in various ways and produce a number of different ethical results depending on context. The book makes a couple of major contributions. First, it demonstrates how globalization, multiculturalism and
group conflict must be reconceptualized from an ethical perspective if we are to appreciate and understand the extent to which people are likely to act on behalf of others in a global world. Second, it
advances ethical ideas that provide new political and moral vocabularies that allow us to imagine social alternatives. The political psychology of real or perceived violence in a global world calls for new approaches to understanding collective experience. The book takes an interdisciplinary approach to understanding how political, economic, social and psychological forces interact and are mutually reinforced in a global context.
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