Invitation to the Psychology of Religion, Third Edition

  • ISBN 9781462527540
  • Author: Paloutzian, Raymond F.
  • Publ Date: 2016-11-29
  • Edition:
  • Binding: Paperback / softback

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The leading undergraduate psychology of religion text, this engaging book synthesizes cutting-edge theories and findings into an accessible account enlivened by personal reflections and contemporary examples. Raymond F. Paloutzian offers an authoritative overview of theoretical and empirical foundations; experiential, developmental, personality, and sociocultural dimensions of religion and spirituality; and clinical implications. Students are also given food for thought about bigger questions--how religion influences their own lives; what beliefs or values they hold most dear; and how to live in a multicultural, multireligious world. Each chapter opens with a brief topic outline and concludes with "Take-Home Messages" and suggestions for further reading.

New to This Edition:
*Reflects many years of scientific and theoretical advances.
*Chapters on psychological theories, personality, and physical health.
*New organizing concepts: religious meaning systems and the multilevel interdisciplinary paradigm.
*Additional pedagogical features, including end-of-chapter "Take-Home Messages" and engaging topic boxes.
*Descriptions of cutting-edge research methods.
*Increased attention to multicultural issues.
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