Intake & Orientation Facilitator Guide

  • ISBN 9781616491772
  • Author:
  • Publ Date: 2012-08-30
  • Edition:
  • Binding: Paperback

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Part of a core module of A New Direction, Hazelden's evidence-based pioneering treatment program, the Intake & Orientation helps you encourage clients to think about why they choose to participate in a treatment program and what they need to do to turn their lives around.

A New Direction, Hazelden's pioneering treatment program specifically for criminal justice professionals is now better than ever. With a streamlined format and updated information, this revised version of A New Direction is sure to make a positive impact in your residential substance abuse treatment program or with any of your law-involved clients.

A New Direction is a comprehensive cognitive-behavioural therapy treatment program that trains chemically dependent offenders to challenge their thinking in order to change their criminal and addictive behaviour patterns.

Real inmates tell the real story about recovering from a life of addiction and crime.
Cognitive-behavioural approach helps inmates see how their attitudes and assumptions fuel destructive behaviours.
Modular structure allows for easy customization to meet individual, facility, and budget needs.
Can be wholly implemented as a new program or implemented in part to enhance your existing program.
Features built-in tools for measuring outcomes.
Provides framework for standardized treatment from facility to facility.

With the new edition of A New Direction, you no longer need to decide between the ""long term"" version versus the ""short term"" version of this popular program. The new streamlined version makes implementation easier than ever.
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