INS Dictionary of Neuropsychology and Clinical Neurosciences

  • ISBN 9780195366457
  • Author: LORING
  • Publ Date: 2015-05-03
  • Edition:
  • Binding: Hardback

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The INS Dictionary of Neuropsychology and Clinical Neurosciences provides concise definitions of neurobehavioral abnormalities, diseases affecting the nervous system, clinical syndromes, neuropsychological tests, neuroanatomy, rehabilitation methods, medical procedures, basic neuroscience, and other important clinical neuroscience terms. Its broad scope not only encompasses the approaches, perspectives, and practice settings of neuropsychology, but also
extends to the related disciplines of pharmacology, neurophysiology, neurology, neuropsychiatry, and experimental and cognitive psychology. The Second Edition expands on the content of the
First, emphasizing the methodology necessary to critically evaluate research publications according to the highest clinical standards involving evidence-based practice. In addition to definitions, the INS Dictionary includes other information relevant to neuropsychology: abbreviations and acronyms that appear in medical charts and in clinical literature, the origins of specific terminology and how concepts developed, and biographical information on individuals who have influenced the
understanding of syndromes, diseases, and anatomy. Although definitions for most terms are readily available on the Internet, the INS Dictionary presents definitions with a
neuropsychological perspective with relevance for neuropsychologists more clearly identified. The INS Dictionary is also conceptualized as an active textbook; entries were derived from a variety of sources ranging from grand rounds to scientific literature and professional neuropsychology conferences. The wide variety of terms that have been specifically selected for inclusion makes the INS Dictionary a valuable resource for neuropsychologists and clinical neuroscientists at
all levels.
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