Handbook of Military and Veteran Suicide

Handbook of Military and Veteran Suicide
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  • ISBN 9780199873616
  • Author: BONGAR
  • Publ Date: 2017-06-13
  • Edition:
  • Binding: Hardback

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For the past decade, suicidal behavior in military and veteran populations has been a constant feature in the news and in the media, with suicide rates among active duty American military personnel reaching their highest level in almost three decades. Handbook of Military and Veteran Suicide reviews the most advanced scientific understanding of the phenomenon of active duty and veteran suicide, while providing a useful, hands-on clinical guide for those
working with this population.This comprehensive Handbook covers all relevant topics and current research in suicide in military and veteran populations, including links between suicide and
PTSD, the stigma of mental health treatment in the military, screening for firearms access in military and veteran populations, "subintentioned" suicide (e.g. reckless driving and other such "accidental" deaths), women in combat, and working with families. Chapters also cover suicide risk assessment, ethical issues in treating suicidal patients, evidence-based treatments for PTSD, traumatic brain injury, and managing suicide in older veterans. Significant issues that may arise in assessing and
treating military and veteran populations who are at risk for suicide are presented and discussed with evidence-based and practical recommendations. This Handbook will benefit researchers, policy
makers, and clinicians who work with active duty military and veteran populations.
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