Don't Wait and See!

  • ISBN 9780190081300
  • Author: PAPAZOGLOU
  • Publ Date: 2020-09-10
  • Edition:
  • Binding: Paperback / softback

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When your child is not meeting developmental milestones, turn to this groundbreaking book to learn valuable information to help your child reach their full potential.When you have concerns about your child's development, you may be told to "wait and see," but the latest research on brain development in children suggests quick action is necessary. This is because the brain develops rapidly in childhood, particularly early
childhood. By supporting more efficient skill building, intervention provided during the critical early childhood years can change the course of your child's life.An expert in child brain development,
Dr. Emily Papazoglou is a board-certified neuropsychologist. She has over a decade of experience working with children as well as their parents, physicians, teachers, and therapists to develop individualized plans to support child development. She also understands the challenges that families face from a personal perspective as she has a sister with Williams syndrome.Designed to be your companion as you navigate what can otherwise feel like a very lonely and frustrating
process, this book aims to lower stress and build hope by empowering you to advocate for the development of an action plan to help maximize your child's potential. Full of practical advice, this easy to
read book will teach you how to:* Quickly recognize potential developmental issues* Obtain high quality evaluations with specialists* Assemble a team and capitalize on their expertise* Maximize skill building at home * Develop more supportive family relationships* Avoid common pitfalls.If your child was born prematurely or has a medical condition or genetic disorder,
this book will explain which skills are most vulnerable. This means that you can proactively support development even before concerns emerge. On the other hand, if your child is already presenting with developmental concerns, you
will learn how their medical issues may be contributing and how this may change the approach to intervention.The actions that you take now have the power to help your child capitalize on their areas of strength and improve in areas where they are struggling. No matter the challenges your child currently faces, there is always room for hope.
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