Desk Reference in School Psychology

  • ISBN 9780190092344
  • Author: THEODORE
  • Publ Date: 2024-02-21
  • Edition:
  • Binding: Hardback

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Best practices related to assessment, consultation, and intervention have been well-documented throughout the school psychology literature, with ample empirical support. Unfortunately, despite this vast knowledge base, many practitioners continue to use outdated and ineffective assessment practices, educational interventions, and therapies, many of which lack research support. The Desk Reference's editors aim to change that by providing practitioners,
academics, and students with a compendium of current, evidence-based, and state-of-the-art best practices in education and psychology.The Desk Reference's comprehensive coverage of diverse
populations and important niche matters confronting school personnel are systematically addressed in a uniform step-by-step manner replete with evidence-based practices that can be implemented immediately by practicing professionals. Doing
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