• ISBN 9780357363232
  • Publ Date: 2021-02-08
  • Edition:
  • Binding: Paperback / softback

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Psychology has insights relevant to all majors, all people. As a hub science, it also provides foundational material for many other scientific disciplines. Cacioppo/Freberg/Cacioppo's DISCOVERING PSYCHOLOGY: THE SCIENCE OF MIND, 4th edition, presents a cohesive understanding of the field, highlighting connections within psychology as well as between psychology and other disciplines. The fourth edition includes a new emphasis on social connectivity and loneliness, interpersonal relationships and myth busting, while author Dr. Stephanie Cacioppo brings additional insight as a licensed clinician. Smart and engaging writing, illuminating visuals and sound science illustrate the depth, breadth and diversity of this exciting field. Up-to-date coverage offers insight into the latest research, while hands-on activities help you sharpen your critical thinking skills. Also available: MindTap.
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