• ISBN 9780357946923
  • Author: CORR/CORR/DOKA
  • Publ Date: 2024-01-24
  • Edition:
  • Binding: Paperback / softback

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Practical and inspiring, Corr/Corr/Doka's DEATH & DYING, LIFE & LIVING, 9th EDITION, helps you learn how to navigate encounters with death, dying and bereavement. The authors emphasize ways that individuals and families can cope with life-threatening illness, loss, grief, funerals and other death-related topics -- including how to communicate constructively in the face of death. You'll learn about aided death, the COVID-19 pandemic, Alzheimer's disease and other life-altering conditions and prominent causes of death. You'll read personal stories and vignettes highlighting how death-related encounters, attitudes and practices are affected by cultural, religious and other real-life perspectives. You will also discover that you can gain important lessons about life and living from the study of death, dying and bereavement.
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