Cultural Methods in Psychology Describing and Transforming Cultures

  • ISBN 9780190095949
  • Author: MCLEAN
  • Publ Date: 2022-04-29
  • Edition:
  • Binding: Hardback

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This volume describes a broad array of culturally sensitive research methods in psychology, addressing diverse issues such as implicit bias, identity development, trauma, and racism. Each chapter provides instructive value for those who want to effectively employ these methods, as well as deep reflection on the meaning of various methods for understanding complex psychological phenomena. The methods discussed include various interview methodologies, digital tools,
use of media representations, exposure to positive exemplars, survey and experience sampling, and participatory action research. These topics and methods are arranged across three sections: methods
that are meant to describe culture and cultural phenomena, methodologies designed to facilitate awareness of structural bias and inequity, and a section on broad, overarching issues, such as the colonial harm inflicted by scientific research, diversity in open science, and intersectionality.
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