Cognitive Behavioural Counselling in Action

  • ISBN 9781473913691
  • Author: Trower, Peter
  • Publ Date: 2015-12-12
  • Edition: 3
  • Binding: Paperback

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This best-selling, practical, evidence-based guide to the cognitive behavioural approach takes you step-by-step through the process of counselling, from initial contact with the client to termination and follow up. The book follows a skills-based format based around the Bordin and Dryden model of bonds, goals, tasks and views, with expanded case material to further illustrate links between theory and practice. This third edition includes new content on: the working alliance - what it is and why it is so important; challenges and pitfalls in the counselling process; when to challenge and when not to challenge clients beliefs; and emotional problems such as shame, guilt and jealousy as well as anxiety, depression and anger. Drawing on their own extensive experience and contemporary research, the authors provide a concise overview of the cognitive behavioural approach, with new material on emotional problems rarely covered in practitioner guides, a strong emphasis on the therapeutic alliance, and updated bibliographic references throughout.
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