Clinical Neuroscience

Clinical Neuroscience
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  • ISBN 9780199737055
  • Author: LAMBERT
  • Publ Date: 2010-12-27
  • Edition:
  • Binding: Paperback / softback

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Clinical Neuroscience informs students of relevant neurobiological foundations of various mental illnesses. In this book, students will begin their journey with a tour of the brain's fundamental building blocks (neuroanatomy, neurochemistry, neurophysiology, neurodevelopment) before moving to mental health challenges and illnesses (Traumatic brain injury, Parkinson's Disease, Addiction, Schizophrenia, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, Depression). The final section
of the book includes chapters addressing topics thought to be important for building resilience against the emergence of mental illness; these chapters cover the topics of adaptive coping strategies,
hunger regulation, and the nexus between mental and immune functions. Throughout the text, the value of empirical evidence is emphasized so that meaningful progress can be made toward the identification of the most effective treatment strategies. By understanding multiple neurobiological perspectives such as neuroanatomical, behavioral, evolutionary, and neurochemical approaches currently existing in the field, students will be better prepared to conceptualize the relevant components of
these mental health puzzles. Features such as opening chapter vignettes (Connections), case studies (A Case in Point) and feature boxes (Brain Matters) illuminate the course content for students as they
learn about the value of translational research.Instructor's Manual/Test Bank (9780199737079) to help instructors prepare for their lectures and homework assignments, with learning objectives, class activities and demonstrations, exercises, additional readings, and more. The test bank includes more than 800 questions organized topically and graded according to difficulty, with source information provided to link questions back to their respective sections
in the text.Companion Website to further assist the instructor, providing PowerPoint versions of the most informative images and tables in the text
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