Children's Health and Illness Recovery Program CHIRP

  • ISBN 9780190070267
  • Author: CARTER
  • Publ Date: 2020-03-18
  • Edition:
  • Binding: Paperback / softback

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Youth with chronic illness, particularly when accompanied by debilitating, painful and/or fatiguing symptoms, face challenges that may prove disruptive to their normal physical, psychological and social developmental trajectories. Derived from six decades of combined experience from authors, Bryan D. Carter, William G. Kronenberger, Eric L. Scott, and Christine E. Brady, The Children's Health and Illness Recovery Program (CHIRP) is an interdisciplinary cognitive
behavioral and family systems-based treatment program designed to maximize the independent functioning of teens with chronic illness. The CHIRP Clinician Guide is a detailed
outline for implementing this manualized treatment protocol over the course of twelve sessions and provides clear guidance as to the philosophy, pragmatics and art of working with this challenging pediatric population. Designed to accompany the CHIRP Teen and Family Workbook, The Clinician Guide equips practitioners with specific assessment measures and the tools needed to establish a collaborative treatment team approach that incorporates the skills of the CHIRP clinician,
primary care and specialty physicians, and the various other healthcare (e.g., physical therapists, occupational therapists, etc.) and educational professionals critical to the successful management and treatment of these
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