Grieving Beyond Gender: Understanding Diverse Grieving Styles

  • ISBN 9781032433370
  • Author: Doka, Kenneth J. (The College of New Rochelle, New
  • Publ Date: 2024-08-13
  • Edition: 1
  • Binding: Hardback

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The third edition of Grieving Beyond Gender explores the different ways that individuals grieve, noting that gender is only one factor that affects an individual's style or pattern of grief.

Inherent in the concept of grieving styles is a notion that gender is fluid and that traditional binary views of gender are belied by the concept of grieving styles, and this is highlighted and explored in more depth in the new edition. Doka and Martin present a model firmly grounded in social science theory and research, and place special emphasis on the model's clinical implications. Clinicians will come away from this book with concrete tools for supporting different types of grievers through individual counseling or group support.
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