Achieving Positive Outcomes for Children in Care

  • ISBN 9781847874498
  • Author: Cameron, R. J.
  • Publ Date: 2009-08-24
  • Edition:
  • Binding: Paperback

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For over a decade and with the best of intentions, the U.K. government has spent millions attempting, but largely failing, to improve personal, social and educational outcomes for children and young people in public care. In this book, the authors explain why the problems of this highly vulnerable group have resisted such effort, energy and expenditure and go on to show how achieving positive outcomes for children in care is possible when the root causes of failure are tackled. Topic covered include: - The power of parenting - The impact of parental rejection on emotional development - Support for the adaptive emotional development of children and young people - Practical advice on introducing the 'Authentic Warmth' approach into existing childcare organisations - Future issues in childcare This book is essential reading for carers, commissioners, policymakers, support professionals, educational psychologists, designated teachers and students of social work.
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