You're Hired!: Practical Strategies for Guiding Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder to Competitive Employment

  • ISBN 9781538177419
  • Author: Arter, Patricia S.
  • Publ Date: 2023-12-10
  • Edition:
  • Binding: Paperback / softback

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Despite having marketable skills, individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) have one of the highest unemployment and under-employment rates of all disability groups. You're Hired! Practical Strategies for Guiding Individuals with ASD to Competitive Employment is a guidebook to support practitioners who prepare young adults with ASD for competitive employment. Anchored in best practices, this teacher-friendly and classroom-ready resource provides detailed "how-to's" on supporting individuals with ASD from their initial employment exploration through navigating the challenges of the first job.

This text is a valuable resource for Special Education practitioners teaching in transition programs and is well-suited for teacher preparation programs that provide ASD certifications. In addition, occupational therapists and school counselors will find many useful resources, such as inventories, checklists, and templates, that will aid in the roles they play in preparing individuals with ASD for the job market.
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