The Awesome Autistic Guide for Trans Teens

  • ISBN 9781839970764
  • Author: Purkis, Yenn
  • Publ Date: 2022-06-21
  • Edition:
  • Binding: Paperback / softback

Sale: $35.22
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Calling all awesome autistic trans teens! Yenn Purkis and Sam Rose want you to live your best authentic life - and this handy book will show you how!

With helpful explanations, tips and activities, plus examples of famous trans and gender divergent people on the autism spectrum, this user-friendly guide will help you to navigate the world as an awesome autistic trans teen.

Covering a huge range of topics including coming out, masking, different gender identities, changing your name, common issues trans and gender divergent people face and ways to help overcome them, building a sense of pride and much, much more, it will empower you to value yourself and thrive exactly as you are.
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