The #ActuallyAutistic Guide to Building Independence: A Handbook for Teens, Young Adults, and Those Who Care About Them

  • ISBN 9781805010005
  • Author: Brunton, Jennifer
  • Publ Date: 2024-09-19
  • Edition:
  • Binding: Paperback / softback

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Transitioning into adulthood is already difficult, but being young and Autistic can make it so much harder. Leaving the protections and supports of childhood behind can feel daunting. In a world that often marginalises Autistic people, how do you begin to figure out and pursue your own goals and dreams, while also managing the new challenges of adulthood?

This empowering book is here to help you (and your Neurodiverse family and friends who love you) learn how to navigate these transitions on your own terms and timeline. It recognises that no matter where you are - home, school, college, work, out with friends - you have the right to be heard, to feel safe and comfortable, and to chart your own path to success. And it will give you the tools you need to make sure that happens.

So join us to hear #ActuallyAutistic teens and young adults share their experiences, helping you to move towards independence and show your allies how they can support you in this journey.
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