Tired of Teen Anxiety: A Young Person's Guide to Discovering Your Best Life (and Becoming Your Best

  • ISBN 9781803882758
  • Author: Coyne, Lisa
  • Publ Date: 2023-10-31
  • Edition:
  • Binding: Paperback / softback

Sale: $58.70
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Tired of Teen Anxiety is a step-by step guide for teens on how to come to terms with anxiety, do the things that matter to them and get on with living their lives. Drawing on principles of mindfulness and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), the authors describe sophisticated, evidence-based clinical techniques in accessible language - giving teens a toolkit for turning towards their anxiety in positive ways. By acknowledging that difficult thoughts and feelings are a normal part of being human, rather than something that we must try to stamp out or wish away, they normalise the everyday struggles of anxious young people so they can learn to create a new relationship with their anxiety that allows them to fulfil their potential and enjoy every day of their lives. The material is presented in an engaging and appealing style with illustrations, plentiful exercises and downloadable audio.
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