Guide to Musculoskeletal Injections with Ultrasound

  • ISBN 9781620700662
  • Author: Agha, Mohammad
  • Publ Date: 2015-09-30
  • Edition:
  • Binding: Paperback

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This handy reference guide is intended to help trainees or new practitioners gain confidence and improve basic skills in performing ultrasound-guided interventions. Focusing on the most commonly executed procedures for peripheral joint problems, the book also includes lower-risk injections for spine disorders and upper extremity peripheral nerve injuries. For each injection, the following information is provided: indications, suggested medications and dosing, approach (in-plane/out-of-plane), bulleted description of the procedure (marking the site, optimal probe placement, correct angle to guide the needle from initial entry through the skin to the target structure), list of structures to avoid, and clinical pearls and tips. Photos illustrating marking and probe placement and high-resolution ultrasound images with needle visualization on insertion and at target will accompany each injection.
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