Automated Breast Ultrasound for Screening and Diagnosis

  • ISBN 9780323551236
  • Author: Mendelson, Ellen B. (Lee F. Rogers Professor of Me
  • Publ Date: 2025-11-02
  • Edition: 1
  • Binding: Hardback

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Mammography sensitivity limited by dense fibroglandular tissue has made a supplemental modality such as US important for screening patients with dense BIRADS C and D breasts. Automated Breast Ultrasound for Screening and Diagnosis provides comprehensive, practical information on all aspects of whole breast supine and prone patient automated ultrasound equipment and techniques, performance and interpretation, use of AI-CAD, multimodality correlation, future directions and much more-all abundantly illustrated and accompanied by a BIRADS based Atlas of Vo-AUS case studies.

Volumetric automated breast ultrasound used to highlight the modality's volumetric 3D qualities chosen from synonyms: ABUS, AUS, WHOBUS, or ABVS (tm) . Artifacts on Vo-AUS, especially shadowing--what causes them and how to resolve them . Primary screening, supplemental screening, and personalized screening for women with dense breasts-why and when to choose ultrasound . Performance of whole breast 3D volumetric automated breast ultrasound (Vo-AUS) for the supine and the prone patient with quality checklist . Artifacts on Vo-AUS, especially shadowing--what causes them and how to resolve them . Step-by-step protocol for efficient Interpretation of multiplanar screening Vo-AUS exams reviewed concurrently with AI-CAD for detection . Whole breast coronal plane: newly observed patterns for diagnosis . Breast anatomy and tissue composition depicted on whole breast Vo-AUS . Unique Atlas of Vo-AUS cases for BI-RADS assessment categories 1-6 . Vo-AUS chapters on calcifications, the postoperative breast, the male breast . Handheld US for the axilla and interventional guidance . Multimodality correlation with mammography, MRI, and tomosynthesis . Advances in ultrasound physics with current research and future directions . Includes 950 high-quality images - 900 radiographic and 50 color line drawings . Enhanced eBook version included with purchase. Your enhanced eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices.
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