Length, Strength and Kinesio Tape: Muscle Testing and Taping Interventions

  • ISBN 9780729541930
  • Author: Bridges, Thuy
  • Publ Date: 2016-10-15
  • Edition:
  • Binding: Paperback / softback

Sale: $94.65
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Length, Strength and Kinesio Tape: Muscle Testing and Taping Interventions is an essential manual for musculoskeletal therapists seeking to develop competency in the treatment of select clinical conditions using the concepts and principles of the Kinesio Taping(R) Method. Focusing on the identification and role of muscle structures, the manual presents length and strength tests covering 68 muscle groups and provides practitioners with a framework to use and reassess the application of Kinesio(R) Tape. Endorsed by Kinesio Taping Association International, Length, Strength and Kinesio Tape: Muscle Testing and Taping Interventions is designed as a companion to Kinesio Taping(R) courses globally (KT1 and KT2). COMPANION KINESIO TAPING(R) SUPPLEMENT A suite of 68 videos covering 8 major body areas with step-by-step instructions and clear demonstrations of the assessment and taping strategies for each technique.
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