Exercise Physiology: Integrating Theory and Application 3e Lippincott Connect Print Book and Digital Access Card Package

Exercise Physiology: Integrating Theory and Application 3e Lippincott Connect Print Book and Digital Access Card Package
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  • ISBN 9781975229733
  • Author: Kraemer, William
  • Publ Date: 2023-10-10
  • Edition: 3
  • Binding: Mixed media product

Sale: $207.39
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With this purchase, you will receive a physical copy of the text bundled with a printed code providing access to Lippincott Connect, including an Interactive eBook, multimedia content, and assessment questions. Build the foundation of scientific knowledge and practical decision-making skills needed to excel in an exercise training career Lippincott Connect enhances your student experience in an all-in-one learning solution designed to strengthen comprehension and prepare you for success in your course. Your instructor may customize the course, create assignments, and track your progress. Valuable feedback and remediation are provided to you in real-time, identifying any topics which might need extra attention in your studies. Lippincott Connect provides key performance insights, reported in a user-friendly dashboard, that allow you to tailor your learning experiences and maximize efficiency. In addition to the content of the eBook described below, this title includes the following digital assets: - Chapter proficiency quizzes, aligned to book chapters, with rationale and remediation - PrepU test questions, organized by chapter, with rationale and remediation - Mastery level PrepU questions aligned to the 3rd edition of the text - 15 videos covering important concepts from the text - 36 animations covering important concepts from the text Master the core concepts of exercise physiology and learn how to apply them to the real-world challenges of exercise training with Exercise Physiology: Integrating Theory and Application, Third Edition. Designed to connect theory to practice, this engaging, accessible text gives students a thorough understanding of how the body adapts to exercise and environmental stresses and how basic physiology informs practical decisions. This new edition expands the coverage of practical applications, extends on our growing scientific knowledge of exercise physiology, explores the topic of Exercise is Medicine, and offers more guidance on finding reliable research-based answers to real-life questions. New content, as well as updated coverage of the endocrine system, applying research, nutritional support, and environmental effects make this the perfect resource to support the diverse case scenarios seen by personal trainers, strength coaches, fitness instructors, athletic trainers, and other exercise professionals.
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