Contemporary Targeted Therapies in Rheumatology

  • ISBN 9781841844848
  • Author: Smolen, Josef S.
  • Publ Date: 2007-10-18
  • Edition:
  • Binding: Hardback

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Targeted therapies of rheumatic diseases have become a reality and have completely changed patient care as well as patient expectations. Initial success with therapies aimed at blocking TNF and IL-1 has stimulated the development of additional targeted approaches focused on other cytokines as well as specific cells and pathways involved in the pathogenesis of rheumatic diseases.Along with the clinical success of some of these targeted approaches, new information has been generated from their application concerning the pathophysiologic mechanisms underlying rheumatic diseases and, as a result, new targets have been identified.The ongoing dialogue between basic scientists, clinical investigators, metrologists and clinicians remains an essential component for the further development, refinement, integration and optimization of targeted therapies of the rheumatic diseases. The goal of this volume is to provide comprehensive, up to date information on all aspects of the rapidly evolving development of targeted therapies of the rheumatic diseases to foster further advances to improve therapy of patients with these conditions.

Targeted Therapies in Rheumatology established itself as an excellent reference for all those needing to know about the clinical implications of new drugs and developments for patients suffering from rheumatoid arthritis. This volume takes up the further developments that have occurred in several of the drug therapies covered in the first volume, as well as looking at the latest areas of promising research.
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