Study Guide to DSM-5

  • ISBN 9781585624645
  • Author: Laura Weiss Roberts
  • Publ Date: 2014-02-28
  • Edition:
  • Binding: Paperback

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The Study Guide to DSM-5(R) is an indispensable instructional supplement to DSM-5(R) to help teachers and students of psychiatry, psychology, social work, medical schools, and residency programs understand and apply diagnostic criteria and key clinical concepts through a variety of learning tools. The Study Guide can stand alone as a training supplement to DSM-5(R) or be paired with DSM-5(R) Clinical Cases as comprehensive instruction for understanding and applying DSM-5(R). The Study Guide possesses a multitude of features that will benefit both learner and instructor: * Foundational concepts of diagnosis are amplified with case vignettes, discussion questions, and recommended reading to enrich knowledge and practice. * Content and features are consistent across the chapters for diagnostic classes. These chapters include an introduction, diagnostic pearls, summary discussion, and self-assessment questions and answers. In-depth discussions of key diagnoses within each class cover approach to the diagnosis, getting the history, diagnostic tips, clinical vignettes, and differential diagnosis.*
Key clinical vignettes exemplify diagnostic criteria while reflecting the complexity of real-life scenarios. In addition, examples are offered to help readers appreciate diagnostic variations and ambiguities. * Discussion points and questions for self-assessment are provided for each diagnostic class throughout the guide, allowing readers to test their understanding of DSM-5(R) and helping teachers to focus on the most critical issues.* A special section dedicated to an overview of diagnostic questions that cover material across the Study Guide and DSM-5(R) provides additional testing of knowledge, along with an answer key. Engagingly written, the Study Guide to DSM-5(R) introduces learners to DSM-5(R) and provides them with the tools they need to fully understand and deftly apply DSM-5(R) concepts and criteria.
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