Stories in Mental Health: Reflection, Inquiry, Action

  • ISBN 9780729543958
  • Author: Nizette, Debra (Director of Nursing, Nursing and M
  • Publ Date: 2021-04-15
  • Edition: 2
  • Binding: Paperback / softback

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Stories in Mental Health 2nd edition is an insightful collection of personal stories from a range of mental health consumers, carers and mental health nurse clinicians who openly share their experiences. Through listening and observing, this extraordinary resource offers nursing students and health professionals a unique perspective on what it is like to live with a mental health disorder, care for a family member with a mental health disorder or work within various mental healthcare settings.

Available as a print or eBook, this valuable resource builds empathy and understanding and provides examples of innovative approaches to care with a focus on reflection, inquiry and action. The teaching and learning strategies assist in developing skills, attitudes and appropriate responses when working in a range of mental healthcare settings. Most importantly, Stories in Mental Health provides a much-needed consumer voice to mental healthcare.

All videos embedded within the eBook
Part 1 Behind the scenes provides an overview of the structure of, and how to use, the resource.
Part 2 Setting the scene provides the foundational concepts for practice and includes seven video and audio stories that reinforce the concepts underpinning the treatment of mental illness.
Part 3 Stories from consumers, carers and clinicians presents 22 video and audio stories to provide insight into a range of mental health issues.
Reflection, inquiry and action provide the framework for the teaching and learning strategies for each story.
Weblinks and references are included for further reading and research.
Transcripts of all interviews are included in the back of the book
An eBook included in all print purchases
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