Promoting Recovery in Early Psychosis: A Practice Manual

  • ISBN 9781405148948
  • Author: Paul French
  • Publ Date: 2010-03-26
  • Edition:
  • Binding: Paperback / softback

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Early Intervention in Psychosis is currently an area of key national strategic priority as research has shown that the early years of psychosis is a critical period, and if caught early, the chances of treating psychosis successfully are higher, and chance of relapse is lower. Based on the Early Psychosis Declaration, endorsed by the World Health Organisation, the International Early Psychosis Association, Rethink & the National Institute of Mental Health in England, this practical skills-based text draws on the expertise of several internationally recognised clinicians and practitioners to provide a guide to delivering early intervention strategies with a unique focus on recovery. Written with mental health practitioners in mind, this text is designed to help those working with people experiencing psychosis at an early stage of illness to develop and implement effective early intervention skills, enabling them to examine and refine their practice.
With case studies and best-practice guidelines throughout, this text provides a critical evidence-based understanding of early intervention for psychosis, raises awareness of the importance of developing culturally sensitive services, develops core clinical skills of early intervention, and promotes the theme of recovery.
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