Leadership in Psychiatry

  • ISBN 9781119952916
  • Author: Dinesh Bhugra
  • Publ Date: 2013-10-11
  • Edition:
  • Binding: Hardback

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The psychiatric profession must ensure that its next generation of leaders has the appropriate skills to provide mental health services in the face of globalization and urbanization, new technologies, and competing demands for shrinking resources. Developing leadership skills and leaders is critical in order to optimise the use of resources, their application, service planning and delivery of services for patients and their families.

This is the first book on leadership (rather than management skills) to focus on psychiatry and mental health care. Contributions from international experts with clinical and non-clinical backgrounds pull together the theories and practical skills required to be a successful leader. The aim is to guide mental health professionals in general and psychiatrists in particular on how to gain the relevant skills and on how to utilise these skills and training to take on leadership roles in clinical and organisational settings.

The book covers the role of the leader and the skills required for leadership, including chapters on communication, decision-making, team development, mentoring, gender issues in leadership, burnout and more. It includes a section on assessment tools and learning material. Essential reading for all those who aspire to lead in psychiatry!
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