Gender-Affirming Psychiatric Care

  • ISBN 9781615374724
  • Author: Goetz, Teddy G., MD MS
  • Publ Date: 2024-01-07
  • Edition: 1
  • Binding: Paperback / softback

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Integrating cutting-edge neuroscience, clinical research, best practices, mental health systems design, and mental health policy, Gender-Affirming Psychiatric Care is the first textbook in the field to provide an affirming, intersectional, and evidence-informed approach to caring for transgender, non-binary, and/or gender-expansive (TNG) people.

Contributors offer an expert view from fields that include psychiatry, psychology, social work, nursing, pharmacy, public health, law, business, community activism, and more. And because each of the 26 chapters features at least one TNG author, wisdom gleaned from lived experience bolsters the professional perspective provided throughout the book.

After an introductory discussion of epidemiology, the neuroscience of gender, and psychopharmacological considerations for prescribing with TNG people, the book engages in an in-depth examination of
* Intersectional, gender-affirming care for marginalized communities such as Two-Spirit and Indigenous, Black, Asian American, Pacific Islander, disabled, migrant, refugee, and unhoused people
* Developmentally appropriate care for TNG people, from childhood and adolescence to older age
* Gender identity affirmation in the context of eating disorders, substance use disorders, pregnancy, and serious mental illness
* The specific care needs of populations who have experienced the traumas of incarceration and gender identity conversion efforts
* The necessity of systems-level change, including collecting gender identity information in electronic health records, building gender-affirming clinical environments, and mental health law and policy considerations

Gender Affirming Psychiatric Care is a rigorous-and timely-resource. It is indispensable for mental health and primary care clinicians looking to deliver evidence-informed and affirming care for TNG patients, and it is informative for neuroscientists and clinical researchers seeking to better understand translational frameworks linking scientific research, gender-affirming clinical practice, and mental health policy.
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