Pathology Illustrated

  • ISBN 9780702072062
  • Author: Roberts, Fiona, BSc, MBChB, MD, FRCPath, Dr.
  • Publ Date: 2018-04-14
  • Edition:
  • Binding: Paperback / softback

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Generations of medical and other health science students have been helped to pass their exams by the Illustrated books. The visual presentation of the subject matter, divided in to one-page units, makes for easy learning and recall. Now fully revised in this eighth edition, Pathology Illustrated covers all the essential information in as clear and concise a way as possible, focussing on what is most clinically important. Pathology remains central to the study of medicine and forms the bridge between the basic sciences and clinical medicine, making this book an essential purchase for today's student.

Covers both basic and systematic pathology
Each topic clearly summarised in one/two pages
Visual presentation for easy learning and recall
Fully updated throughout - including new and expanded coverage on the essentials of genetic disease, haemodynamics and shock and basic techniques in molecular biology
Includes an all new interactive eBook version:

downloadable for anytime access to the complete contents
enhanced with new, interactive multiple-choice questions for each chapter, to test your understanding and aid exam preparation
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