Dermatopathology Primer of Cutaneous Tumors

  • ISBN 9781498703918
  • Author: Sangueza, Omar P.
  • Publ Date: 2015-07-21
  • Edition:
  • Binding: Paperback / softback

Sale: $105.65
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Dermatopathology Primer of Cutaneous Tumors presents a detailed overview of the most common skin neoplasms. For each neoplasm, the epidemiology, pathophysiology, clinical features, clinical variants, and special studies are presented in a succinct, bulleted form. Extensive illustrations demonstrate each neoplasm's characteristic features, as well as those of other tumors in the histological differential.

The book covers both benign and malignant cysts, epidermal, melanocytic, lymphoid, and soft tissue neoplasms. It complements the Dermatopathology Primer of Inflammatory Diseases, written by authors of the same team.

These books introduce the basic concepts of dermatopathology to medical students and residents training in pathology and dermatology as well as to other health care professionals seeking a resource for a basic understanding of dermatopathology.

Offered in an easy-to-read format, the book provides a basic understanding of dermatopathology on which further, deeper learning can be added, as well as a quick visual reference to refresh the learner on the important points of each diagnosis. A reference section and glossary are included for the benefit of non-dermatology specialists.
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