Perspectives on Palliative Care for Children and Young People

  • ISBN 9781846193330
  • Author: Pfund, Rita ; Kerry-Fowl
  • Publ Date: 2010-03-25
  • Edition:
  • Binding: Paperback

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Advances in medical science and technology are saving the lives of more children worldwide than ever. Some survive and live out a normal life expectancy others have a life-limiting/life-threatening diagnosis where death may come early and still others will live on well past projected life trajectories into adulthood. With so many different care pathways children parents and communities often find themselves facing challenges for which neither they nor their healthcare systems are prepared. This book opens a global discussion of these issues. Extending Rita Pfund's text Palliative Care Nursing of Children and Young People it invites paediatric palliative care professionals parents and children from around the globe to share their knowledge and experience. This book is of vital interest to palliative care professionals parents policy makers and academics. It is an important move towards ensuring that all children and their families regardless of geographical location gender ethnicity or socio-economic class have equal and guaranteed access to comprehensive paediatric palliative care services.
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