Autism and the Family: Understanding and Supporting Parents and Siblings

  • ISBN 9780393710557
  • Author: Fiske, Kate E.
  • Publ Date: 2017-03-21
  • Edition:
  • Binding: Hardback

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The reverberations of autism spectrum disorders among parents and siblings can be complex. Parents may grapple with the impact of their child's initial diagnosis, wrestle with the tension between their professional ambitions and family obligations and labour to maintain a healthy union with their partners. Brothers and sisters may be given less attention, asked to assume a more adult role than they feel ready for, or strive for meaningful connection and communication with their sibling and parents.

Although the energy of clinicians, teachers and other professionals working with individuals with autism spectrum disorder is often focused intensively on the child who is diagnosed, the practitioner can also be an invaluable resource for the child's family.

Drawing upon clinical research and firsthand family interviews, this book helps clinicians understand the experiences of parents and siblings of a child with ASD from the time of diagnosis through to adulthood.
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