Cranial Osteopathy: Principles and Practice 2nd edition

  • ISBN 9780443074998
  • Author: Liem, Torsten
  • Publ Date: 2005-02-15
  • Edition: 2
  • Binding: Hardback

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Cranial osteopathy is an increasingly popular treatment approach for many common disorders affecting the head and neck. This new clinical guide is the first and only in-depth resource on the subject, offering a comprehensive analysis of osteopathic dysfunctions and principles in the cranial field. It examines each cranial bone and describes its location, development, and clinical implications of dysfunction. This discussion is followed by guidance on inspection, palpation, biomechanical and biodynamical approach to the motility of each cranial bone, and explanations of appropriate intrasutural or intraosseal techniques. Excellent illustrations and step-by-step sequencing of techniques make this book an exceptionally valuable resource for clinical practice.
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