50 Studies Every Orthopaedic Surgeon Should Know

  • ISBN 9780190096656
  • Author: SUGAND
  • Publ Date: 2024-09-15
  • Edition:
  • Binding: Paperback / softback

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50 Studies Every Orthopaedic Surgeon Should Know is a compilation of landmark studies from all subspecialties within emergency and elective Trauma and Orthopaedic practice. It is written in an accessible way, appropriate for an array of practicing experts, allied healthcare professionals and students with the goal of disseminating findings from high-quality studies that have led to standardized clinical guidelines for front-line clinicians and real-world
gains for patients. Chapters focus on key findings, implications for practice, study funding sources, conflicts of interest, criticisms and limitations, and results from associated studies. Each chapter also
concludes with a case study, offering readers the opportunity to conceptualize the key findings in practice. Like other books in the 50 Studies series, an objective selection criterion was conducted by an international consensus to identify the most influential landmark publications, taking into account the citations per year, high levels of evidence, clinical studies and trials as well as available references and guidelines. This book will simplify, consolidate and
reinforce the current literature of the most important research published into in a digestible, manageable, and reader-friendly content for Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgeons, practicing clinicians, trainees,
students and those led by data-driven evidence-based clinical care.
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