Practical Neuro-ophthalmology

  • ISBN 9780071781879
  • Author: Timothy J. Martin
  • Publ Date: 2013-08-01
  • Edition:
  • Binding: Hardback

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AN ENGAGING, CLINICALLY ORIENTED TEXT THAT SPANS THE FULL SPECTRUM OF NEUROOPHTHALMOLOGYPractical Neuroophthalmology covers the basic principles and major conditions of neuroophthalmologyin a concise, user-friendly manner. Rather than merely presenting a catalog of facts, the authors enrich thetext by describing how complex neuroophthalmic signs and symptoms are often a logical consequence of anatomy and pathophysiology. With its comprehensive coverage and neuroanatomic approach, Practical Neuroophthalmology is both an outstanding clinical resource and a valuable board review tool.


Discussion of anatomy in the context of disease states--making the consequence of disease more readily understood
Combined illustrations and tables present complex information in an easy-to-follow manner
Original clinical case studies--optic disc photographs, visual fields, clinical course, and other data from an illustrative case are presented together to give you a visual summary of the disease
Photographic surveys of disease manifestations--clinical photographs from different patients with the same disease demonstrate the full spectrum of disease presentation
Tables and boxes devoted to differential diagnosis--important clinical decision-making information is synthesized and reinforced in a convenient outline form
Key points summarized at the end of each chapter
Suggested readings at the end of each chapter
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