Drug-Induced Ocular Side Effects: Clinical Ocular Toxicology

  • ISBN 9780323319843
  • Author: Fraunfelder, Frederick T.
  • Publ Date: 2014-12-26
  • Edition: 7
  • Binding: Hardback

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Ideal for ophthalmologists, optometrists and busy clinicians, Drug-Induced Ocular Side Effects provides the clinically relevant information you need to diagnose and manage chemical and drug-related ocular problems. An easily accessible format, meticulous revisions and comprehensive coverage of all drugs' generic and trade names, primary uses, ocular and systemic side effects, and clinical significance make this best-selling resource the ideal reference for quick, on-the-spot consultation.

Manage any challenge in ocular toxicology with extensive coverage of principles of therapy; ocular drug delivery; methods to evaluate drug-induced visual side effects; and the role of electrophysiology and psychophysics.
Benefit from the masterful guidance and global perspective of world authorities in the field who provide need-to-know information on all aspects of ocular toxicology-all in one concise reference.
Confer with the WHO classification system to determine whether a particular side effect is certain, probable, or likely to occur.
Zero in on the key information you need to know with highly templated, concise chapters.

Apply the latest knowledge and treatments for newly recognized Adverse Drug Reactions (ADR). Identify which ADR's are clinically relevant and what to do about them.
Experience clinical scenarios with vivid clarity through a wealth of new and updated clinical photographs that provide unmatched, visual diagnostic guidance.
Recognize and avoid drug-induced ocular side effects with data from the National Registry of Drug Induced Ocular Side-Effects (Casey Eye Institute, Portland, OR) and the World Health Organization (Uppsala, Sweden).
Stay up to date and provide state-of-the-art care with the latest information on approved medications.
Access the complete contents online at Expert Consult.
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