Evidence-Based Oncology

  • ISBN 9781405160032
  • Author: Williams, Chris
  • Publ Date: 2030-01-25
  • Edition:
  • Binding: Hardback

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Evidence-based Oncology was published at ASCO in May 2003 and immediately made a big impact on the world of clinical oncology. Belonging to the BMJ Books series of evidence-based textbooks, this internationally authored text provides guidance to clinical oncologists on the best evidence for screening and treatment of the major malignancies. With authoritative reviews based on Cochrane and other systematic reviews and high quality trials, the recommendations in this book provide unique information for treatment options in the context of the individual patient's needs. Need for a second edition In the field of evidence-based medicine more than any, the need for fully up to date evidence is paramount. The recommendations in this book have remained current over the past three years, but clinical oncology has moved on, and a wider issues have come to the fore which need addressing. Rather than rely on short update commentaries on the website, the editors have decided they need to produce an entirely new edition in which the wider management issues of diagnosis, patient choice, health policy and health economics are covered.
The new edition also provides an opportunity to add more chapters on conditions where sufficient evidence has emerged for treatment recommendations to be made. Hence this second edition will be a different, richer and more comprehensive book than the first, and more in keeping with health care policy for the 21st century. Features of the 2nd edition *30 additional new chapters * New section on care of the elderly * New section on palliative care * New section on delivery of care * More emphasis on diagnosis and screening * More emphasis on developing country issues * Relevant for health care providers and managed care as well as clinicians * Attractive new layout and cover design * Electronic delivery - either via CDRom or the Web
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