Motor Speech Disorders: Diagnosis & Treatment

  • ISBN 9781111138271
  • Author: Donna Freed
  • Publ Date: 2011-11-14
  • Edition: 2
  • Binding: Mixed media product

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MOTOR SPEECH DISORDERS: DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT, 2E offers a detailed, yet streamlined introduction to motor speech disorders. The book opens with a brief historical review of motor speech disorders, providing useful context for understanding the technology and methodology modern speech-language pathologists employ for evaluation and treatment today. Without overwhelming you with complex detail, the book also provides a practical introduction to the human motor system, including the anatomy and physiology involved in motor speech disorders. A series of chapters offers an in-depth look at the six pure dysarthrias, as well as mixed dysarthria and apraxia of speech, including detailed information on etiology, characteristics, and treatment. MOTOR SPEECH DISORDERS: DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT, 2E has been updated with high quality illustrations, as well as information on cutting-edge treatment procedures and current best practices. An accompanying DVD features clinical videos to deepen your understanding of the disorders by exposing you to real-life case examples.
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