Healing 9/11

  • ISBN 9780789023629
  • Author: Precin, Pat
  • Publ Date: 2006-02-16
  • Edition:
  • Binding: Hardback

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Get a first-hand look at the ongoing tragedy of 9/11 Healing 9/11 examines programs and interventions created and implemented by occupational therapists to aid those affected directly and indirectly by the 9/11 attacks. Ideal for courses in trauma and recovery, community interventions, disaster recovery, health programs and implementation, and mental health interventions as well as for professionals, this powerful book chronicles the experiences of OTs who worked with firefighters, burn victims, and displaced workers, as well as children, students, and clients suffering long-term symptoms of depression and anxiety. These first-hand accounts offer rare insights into the healing process for victims of terrorism (including OTs themselves), and serve as a guide to developing outreach and counseling services to those touched by future incidents. Healing 9/11 continues the work of Surviving 9/11: Impact and Experiences of Occupational Therapy Practitioners (Haworth), presenting detailed personal and professional accounts from OTs who provided physical, emotional, and psychosocial relief to thousands of disaster victims.
This unique book reveals how OTs provided aggressive manual therapy, wound care, and scar management to the critically injured; how OTs analyzed the job market and found work for people who had lost their livelihoods; how OTs worked with students in classroom settings to relieve their anxieties; and how OTs helped rescue workers at Ground Zero deal with the emotions that threatened to overpower them. Healing 9/11 examines: nontraditional group therapy non-clinical treatment settings burn rehabilitation pediatric occupational therapy school-based occupational therapy employment planning occupational frame of reference creative arts therapy post traumatic stress disorder and much more Healing 911: Creative Programming by Occupational Therapists is an essential resource for all healthcare professionals who offer relief in times of disaster.
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